Brand new golf balls have a strong attraction to tree lines and water. The strength of the attraction is in direct proportion to how expensive the ball is.
The best golf partners are the ones that are not quite as good as you.
Your golf game is so bad, you had to re grip your ball retriever
You should always try before you buy, especially when buying a putter. Never buy a putter until you’ve seen how well you can throw it.
The problem with your golf game is that you are standing too close to the ball after you’ve hit it.
If your golfing buddy can’t remember whether they hit a 5 or a 6 on a par 3, he most probably shot a 7.
My golf game is a lot like masturbating – I enjoy it a lot, but it’s not pretty to watch.
The problem with golf groups is that the slow ones are always in front, and the fast ones are always behind you.
Golf is a strange game – you yell “fore”, shoot a 7 and write down a 5
The higher the handicap of the golfer, the more likely it is that he’ll be telling you what you should be doing to fix your game.
I find it a lot easier to git the fairway when I tee off if I’m not too picky about which fairway.
If you are playing with a golfer who says they never cheat, they’re also a liar.
You can hit a 1 acre fairway 5% of the time, but a 1 inch branch you will hit 95% of the time.
Golf is similar to sex – It’s still pretty good, even when it’s bad.